What happens to an edge while sharpening?
OK, this doesn’t look like much to any kind of knife or honing expert, but it’s the reality when using […]
What happens to an edge while sharpening? Read Post »
If you are really into sharpening and want to know the ins and outs of what happens with this or that sharpening technique, then this is where we blog about it. Excessive use of microscopes and focusing on minute details and tools that make your knives ridiculously sharp!
OK, this doesn’t look like much to any kind of knife or honing expert, but it’s the reality when using […]
What happens to an edge while sharpening? Read Post »
I found an old chisel in the basement that obviously had been used and sharpened many times. It was completely
Reviving an Old Chisel: Sharpening Techniques Explained Read Post »