Diamond File a reality check

I made a promise to my business advisor to start blogging regularly… and not only about new products either. In theory this sounds great, because I love telling stories and have tonds of stuff to share, if I only had taken the time to edit the video material before next deadline *ehrm more interesting stuff going on ehrm*

Anyway because if this I decided to write a few words about a new product anyway, the humble “Diamond FIle

Diamond files, large and small Diamond files, large and small

So why o why Ola do you pester us with such a dull product?
Well the reason is simply that tons of roller skiers have a problem with sharpening their tungsten tipped skipoles (very very hard material) and have been buying our ordinary whetstone for this purpose. Although great for knives, it might take some time to sharpen a really dull tungsten tip that’s been struck into the tarmack some ten thousand times at full force… so I got the request for something a bit more rough!

So after some tests with different diamond sizes we concluded that a good compromise was 150 micron monochrystalline diamonds with farily rough edges. These give a agressive material removal without “jumping” like the 250 micron ones did. While testing these prototypes I of course tested on other stuff then skipole tips as well like lawnmover blades (generally hardox steel… pretty hard) and axes knives and other gardning tools and found it to be a very good file in general with the extra perk that it can manage superhard materials (cheramics and glass as well of course).

This made me lauch it as a general file and not only for skipoles. And to make it more versatile you can choose size and if you want two identical file sides or one with file and the other with our normal coarse diamond whetstone. That last combination is really handy and a tool that ended up in my own tool box shortly after testing.

How the edge developes during the sharpening process
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